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The Day I Saw Your Eyes Shine Bright

Dear Sissy,

Today, I noticed something special in your eyes - a sparkle of joy and happiness that I haven’t seen before, a sparkle that reminds me of little Sakshi when she achieves something she has worked so hard for. Seeing you smile that way filled my heart with pride and happiness.

I’ve watched you work so hard, every day, with so much dedication. And today, as you took your first-ever flight, I felt deep sense of joy and pride. You inspire me and Darsh in so many ways and we look up to you, not just because you’re our sister, but because you’re strong, wise, and amazing woman.

You’ve grown so much over the years. I’ve never seen you want something without putting in the effort to get it. Being the first in our family to take a flight for a national trip is a big deal to me because I know how much you’ve worked and saved for this moment. Your dreams are big, and your beliefs are strong and they motivate us to dream big too, and not be afraid of going after what we want.

You have a real influence on the people around you and people love you for your honesty, authenticity, and genuineness. We’ve always been there for each other, and that won’t ever change. I can’t wait to see you achieve even greater things - things you might not have even dreamed of yet. I look forward to the day when I can provide for you, just as you have always been there for me. After all, as a family, we’ve mastered all signs of love languages.

While no one is perfect, you work on yourself every day, becoming a better version of yourself, and that’s what makes you perfect to me.

So keep being cheerful and happy, as you always are. Keep growing and shining like the bright star that you are.

Your not-so-lil girl,


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